Who we are
Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is the government’s primary advisor on housing and urban development. We provide advice on policy and legislation, collect and share data and insights to inform decisions, fund a range of programmes to deliver more housing and urban development where it is most needed, regulate community housing providers and monitor Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities and Tāmaki Regeneration Company.
Our role
Aotearoa New Zealand’s housing and urban development system connects to many different sectors in the economy. It affects our social wellbeing, ability to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and our partnership with Māori. We influence all parts of the system through partnerships and collaborations, working with Kāinga Ora, community housing providers, iwi and Māori, builders and developers, central and local government, and others.
We respond to the here and now, delivering crucial funding, programmes, products and services that improve the supply of housing, in particular more affordable housing.
We’re also setting up the system so it is more responsive to our housing needs and aspirations and can sustainably deliver for generations to come, creating a multi-decade strategic vision, through the Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development and MAIHI Ka Ora – the National Māori Housing Strategy. We lead the implementation of this vision on behalf of the government, working and collaborating across the system, monitoring progress and getting input from our partners and stakeholders.
How we work
Our work is underpinned by two principles-based ways of working: Te Maihi o te Whare Māori (MAIHI) Framework for Action and our place-based approach. These complementary approaches enable us, alongside stakeholders and partners, to do the right thing in the right place for the right people.
Māori and Iwi Housing Innovation (MAIHI)
Māori are disproportionately affected by the housing crisis, so we're partnering with Māori on Māori-led solutions. We developed the MAIHI framework and strategy in collaboration with Māori, to work towards achieving safe, healthy, affordable homes with secure tenure for whānau Māori.
Different communities and places have different needs and aspirations. We work with communities and local organisations to make sure they get housing and urban development solutions that suit their local needs.
Read more about our place-based approach
Our values
Our values shape how we work together. They are:
- wānangatia – curiosity
- arohatia – empathy
- kōkiritia – drive.
Our principles
Our principles guide how we think about problems and solutions and make sure we focus our efforts where they'll have the biggest impact.
We think about the long term
We focus beyond just short-term solutions to immediate issues, and also look to what is needed over the long term.
We think system-wide
We build evidence and a knowledge-base across the system, so the work we do is based on research and data.
We are people-centred
When we design policies and services, we start with the people who will be affected. Being people-centred also means taking care of those in immediate need.
We are Treaty-anchored
We work to make sure the aspirations of whānau, hapū and iwi are at the core of what we do. All our people need the capability and confidence to build effective relationships with Māori and fulfil our obligations as a Treaty partner.
We are whenua-based
As well as the economic and social dimensions of housing and urban development, we also recognise the intergenerational, cultural, spiritual and emotional impacts.
Our name
The name Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga translates to ‘the foundation for a treasured home’. It comes from the Māori proverb ‘he kura kāinga e hokia, he kura tangata e kore e hokia’, or ‘a treasured home will endure, not so a treasured person’.
It carries a strong connection to our purpose: he kāinga ora, he hapori ora – thriving communities where everyone has a place to call home.
It speaks to the importance of ensuring the wellbeing of people within the home, our connection with the land, acknowledging the generations of people who have always called this place home, and our commitment to delivering for future generations.
The name was gifted to Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga by Kingi Kiriona, a passionate advocate for te reo Māori.
Our leadership team
- Brad Ward, Acting Chief Executive
- Colin Lynch
- Jessica Smith
- Jo Hogg
- Jo Hughes