Putting MAIHI Ka Ora – the National Māori Housing Strategy into action in 2022

Published 22 Dec 22
This year, our partnerships with Iwi and Māori across Aotearoa New Zealand have made significant progress toward creating better housing outcomes for Māori.
In March, we launched a plan to implement MAIHI Ka Ora – the National Māori Housing Strategy over the next three to four years, providing key deliverables, specific actions, and timeframes for them to be delivered.
MAIHI Ka Ora was developed in partnership with Māori, for Māori. It elevates the Māori and Iwi Housing Innovation (MAIHI) Framework for Action, providing a strategic direction that puts Māori at the heart of Aotearoa New Zealand’s housing system.
In 2022, a massive amount of mahi has gone into putting MAIHI Ka Ora into action.
We’ve signed four Iwi-Government partnership agreements that will deliver more than 550 homes
Iwi-Government partnerships are made possible with funding from Whai Kāinga Whai Oranga, which supports Māori-led local solutions.
We’ve partnered with four Iwi collectives to provide funding to build housing for their people, on their whenua:
- Ka Uruora Trustee Aotearoa Limited, a Taranaki based iwi collective, will help provide up to 172 affordable rental homes in Taranaki, Tokoroa, Blenheim, Thames and Tāmaki Makaurau on iwi-owned land.
- Toitū Tairāwhiti, an east coast iwi collective, will build 150 new homes for whānau, following on from 51 new homes already delivered in the Tairāwhiti region. Toitū Tairawhiti will work with Built Smart homes, Kāinga Ora, local builders and construction and infrastructure providers.
- Ngāti Kahungunu will build 131 new homes in Wairoa and Hastings, to provide whānau with long-term rentals. They will invest in off-site manufacturing, an innovative way of constructing new homes, and create training opportunities for people to get into employment.
- Te Pouahi o Te Taitokerau, a collective of Northland-based Māori housing service providers, will deliver 80 to 100 affordable rental homes and infrastructure for up to 110 more homes.
MAIHI Ka Ora, Ka Mārama – Māori Housing Dashboard makes Government Māori housing data accessible for the first time
One of our key commitments in the MAIHI Ka Ora implementation plan was to make Māori housing data held by government available to support whānau, hapū, Iwi and Māori organisations to make informed decisions about housing and show progress toward our shared vision.
MAIHI Ka Ora, Ka Mārama was launched at our fourth MAIHI Whare Wānanga in early December. It aims to tell the story of the Māori housing system from investment in infrastructure, to experiences of emergency housing, and support for Māori to buy their first home.
Find out more by visiting our Maihi Ka Ora, Ka Mārama dashboard.
We’ve supported a variety of initiatives to support infrastructure development, build more homes and help whānau experiencing homelessness
Through our MAIHI Partnerships Programme, we’ve supported:
- Ngāti Whakaue Tribal Lands Manawa Gardens development in Rotorua, with $19.8 million of funding for infrastructure to enable development of 80 homes and to deliver 20 affordable rental homes.
- Kahungunu Whānau Services, in partnership with local iwi and the Hutt City Council, to build 19 new townhouses for whānau in Taitā, Lower Hutt.
- 10 new affordable rental homes for whānau of Ngā Pōtiki a Tamapāhore in Pāpāmoa, part of 30 homes that are planned in the Manawa subdivision.
- Three kaumātua housing units at Papakura Marae, with joint investment from Te Puni Kōkiri, Auckland Council and Local Community Boards.
All this work is laying the foundation for the mahi that is to come in 2023 to achieve our shared vision, that all whānau have safe, healthy, affordable homes with secure tenure, across the Māori housing continuum.