Putting the government’s 30-year vision for housing and urban development into action

Published 30 Sep 22
Today, Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published Implementing the Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development (GPS-HUD), which translates the government’s 30-year vision, direction, and priorities into a near term implementation strategy.
The GPS-HUD, alongside MAIHI Ka Ora – the National Māori Housing Strategy, set the government’s long-term vision, direction, and priorities for housing and urban development in Aotearoa New Zealand.
We have worked with people and organisations across the housing and urban development system to develop Implementing the GPS-HUD, which clarifies the focus of government’s housing and urban development work programme over the next few years.
There are four key action areas in Implementing the GPS-HUD. Each action area comprises a connected set of actions and initiatives and captures the most important things that the government will do in the short to medium term to improve housing outcomes.
These action areas are to:
- Reduce barriers to building
- Build homes where people need them
- Help people into affordable homes
- Help people in urgent housing need.
In addition to the action areas, there are two cross-cutting priorities:
- Accessibility
- Pacific housing.
Find out more about the GPS-HUD and our implementation strategy
These actions and priorities will be put in place alongside actions set out in the MAIHI Ka Ora Implementation Plan, which focuses on Māori housing.
Find out more about the MAIHI Ka Ora Implementation Plan(external link)