2022 MAIHI Whare Wānanga ki Te Taitokerau
Ka nukunuku, Ka nekeneke
The third MAIHI Whare Wānanga was hosted by Te Taitokerau at the Waitangi National Trust in Waitangi on the 11th of March 2022.
The theme of this MAIHI Whare Wānanga was ‘Ka nukunuku, Ka nekeneke.’ These words mean to move forward in unison and symbolises leadership, deliberation, direction, action, acceleration, and achievement. It is a call to arms.
These words are synonymous with Te Taitokerau and were part of a haka performed by thousands, led by Ruatara when the first sermon was preached by Rev Samuel Marsden in 1814.
Rauemi me nga whakaaturanga I Resources & Presentations
Agenda for the MAIHI Whare Wānanga 2022 ki Te Taitokerau
Ka Nuku Ka Nekeneke - Presentation for Te Taitokerau Strategy (PDF, 620 KB)
MAIHI Whare Wānanga Summary notes & themes
Ngā korero a te Karauna - Ministerial Government Agency Updates MAIHI Ka - Elevating MAIHI: information about MAIHI Ka Ora, the National Māori Housing Strategy and Implementation Plan
Rohe Updates Ngāti Whakaue (PDF, 510 KB)