The Housing Dashboard
The Housing Dashboard is a single place to track progress of key parts of the Government’s housing programme. It’s updated monthly and includes information on public and transitional housing, other housing built by the Government, the housing register and other housing support provided. It shows what has been delivered by the end of the month.
So, to see what’s been delivered in June, select the month of June. To see what has changed between two periods, select the two points you want to compare, i.e. to see the change over a financial year select June as the start date and the following June as the end date.
- Public homes
- Change in public homes
- Transitional housing
- Home building
- Housing register
- Housing support
- Key Stats by TLA
- Further information
Housing Dashboard data download
Every month, we generate a file to update our Tableau dashboard. Recognising its potential value, we have made it accessible below for easy temporal analysis. This .xlsx file encompasses comprehensive statistics from all previous months (dating back to June 2017) featured in the Housing Dashboard.
Data in this format is separated out by tab and broadly corresponds to the different data category pages on the Housing Dashboard. Within this sheet, please read the “Instructions” tab on how to filter and use the data appropriately. Please also read the additional relevant caveats (which would traditionally be contained in the hover tool-tip descriptions in the dashboard) at the top of every page.
The current format of this file also means the data is not directly machine-readable.
Housing Dashboard data download (XLSX, 2.3 MB)
Data changes and revisions
From time-to-time data is revised as new information becomes available. A number of series are regularly revised in recent periods including Transitional Housing made available, Transitional Housing built, Kiwibuild built, and Market built. Details of any other non-standard revisions can be found in this document.
Non-standard changes and revisions to the Housing Dashboard (XLSX, 37 KB)
Data confidentiality
For the data featured on the Housing Dashboard, several methods are used to help ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the information. This includes random rounding and suppression.
Due to the confidentiality measures used, figures featured on the Housing Dashboard may differ slightly from figures featured in other sources, such as the information available on the Ministry of Social Development website.
More information on how MSD uses random rounding to keep data private(external link)
More information on other data confidentiality rules used by Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga(external link)
Public homes
Public homes are properties owned or leased by Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities and Community Housing Providers (CHPs) for use as public housing.
Tenants in public homes may:
- pay an income-related rent determined by the Ministry of Social Development, with the amount generally set at 25 percent of their net income
- pay market rent set by the provider.
Kāinga Ora Public Homes includes public homes managed by Kāinga Ora that are occupied by tenants and those that are vacant. Homes may be vacant for a variety of reasons:
Made Available to Let
Homes in this category include newly completed properties awaiting finalisation or part of larger projects, those in the process of being matched with suitable tenants, and homes undergoing minor repairs and upgrades to ensure safety and compliance with landlord obligations.
Pending Decision
Homes that are waiting for a decision on their best future use.
Homes Under Refurbishment
Homes undergoing major repairs or retrofits to modernise properties, meet customer needs, optimise land use, and increase housing stock – while providing temporary accommodations for affected tenants.
Redevelopment / Disposal
Homes slated for redevelopment, undergoing active demolition, or being removed from the portfolio due to sales and lease expirations.
Staggered Tenancy
A newly delivered home within a building of 30 units or greater that will take time to let. These homes are placed with tenants at a planned rate to deal with logistical constraints in the initial tenanting of high-density buildings.
Community Housing Provider Public Homes includes public homes managed by Community Housing Providers. It does not include vacant homes.
Change in public homes
The change in public homes shows the net number of public homes owned or leased by Kāinga Ora and CHPs that have been added or removed over the period selected.
Homes can be added as Kāinga Ora and CHPs build, lease, or purchase homes.
Kāinga Ora homes can be removed from stock for several reasons, including lease expiration, demolition, and sale.
Homes can also be leased to CHPs by Kāinga Ora. For example, Kāinga Ora leased 902 properties to Te Āhuru Mōwai (a CHP in Porirua, Wellington Region) as part of the Western Porirua Housing Partnership Project in October 2020. This is represented as a decrease in Kāinga Ora public homes, and an increase in CHP public homes.
Due to the way Kāinga Ora and Community Housing Provider public homes are counted, this can result in small net reductions in the number of public homes.
Transitional housing
Transitional housing is temporary accommodation and support for individuals or families who are in urgent need of housing. It provides warm, dry, short-term housing for people and families who have an urgent need for a place to stay.
Transitional housing data includes:
- a net figure of the number of Transitional Housing Placesavailable for households, which includes the removal of places where contracts have expired.
- gross new Transitional Housing Places added, which provides more information on the new supply, including breakdowns of supply that are new builds. This is only available from October 2019.
Gross new Transitional Housing Places added will not always align with the net change in Transitional Housing Places due to differences in timings of places being made available and appearing in the dashboard.
Gross new Transitional Housing Places added figures are subject to small changes. This means that when new data is updated each month, values for previous months may also change. This will ensure we are always reporting the most up to date figures we have.
Home building
Home building includes data on overall national building activity and the housing completed and under construction by government.
Residential Building Consents includes the number of new dwellings consented, which comes from from building consents issued series released by Stats NZ.
Data is sourced from link).
Government Built are homes built by Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities and registered Community Housing Providers. It includes:
- Public homes
- Transitional Housing
- KiwiBuild dwellings with practical completion and/or Code of Compliance Certificate (CCC) issued and/or where satisfactory evidence is held that the dwelling is complete. Only those homes bought by or available to purchase by KiwiBuild eligible buyers are included. If any KiwiBuild homes are offered for sale on the open market they will be removed from the KiwiBuild total.
- Market and affordable housing built or enabled by Kāinga Ora (including Hobsonville Point) and homes built through the KiwiBuild programme, which are available or have been sold on the open market.
Government under construction are new homes under construction through the government build programme, irrespective of expected completion date. It includes:
- Public homes
- Kiwibuild homes
- Market and affordable homes
The total does not include Transitional Housing under construction and CHP planned activity.
Housing register
The number of applicants on the Housing Register at the end of the month
The Housing Register includes applicants not currently in public housing who have been assessed as eligible, and who are ready to be matched to a suitable home.
The Transfer Register includes households already in public housing who need to be rehoused for reasons such as too few or too many bedrooms, or for health reasons.
- Priority A refers to applicants who are considered at risk and includes households with a severe and persistent housing need that must be addressed immediately.
- Priority B refers to applicants who have a serious housing need and includes households with a significant and persistent need. The A and B priority applications used in these tables are as at the time of accepting an offer of social housing, the application priority may have changed prior to this date.
Applicants Housed
Applications are considered housed when the application register status is changed to “active tenancy”.
Time to House
Median days to house is the median number of calendar days between the date an application is first confirmed on the Housing Register and the date a tenancy is activated for that applicant.
This data includes applications that are priority A and B and are:
- entering the Housing Register or the Transfer Register
- exiting either the Housing Register or the Transfer Register for reasons other than being placed in Public Housing.
Find out more on the Ministry of Social Development website(external link)(external link).
Housing support
First home buyers
Support for first home buyers shows:
- the number of First Home Grants paid
- the number homes bought with a First Home Loan
- the number of households who bought their first home with a home loan from a registered bank. This information is sourced from link)
Kiwibuild Homes
Properties available to buy includes KiwiBuild homes with any of the following sales status:
- Offered to market
- Ballot closed
- Ballot drawn
- Sales and purchase conditional.
Homes sold includes homes with sales to owner/occupants with an unconditional or settled agreement irrespective of dwelling completion.
Progressive Home Ownership
Progressive Home Ownership (PHO) information shows:
- the number of houses contracted through HUD’s PHO Fund since December 2020, and
- the number of houses occupied by first-home buyers who have moved into their newly built home by partnering with approved PHO providers.
Other housing support
Housing support information shows:
- the number of Accommodation Supplement recipients. A weekly payment to assist people who are not in public housing, with their rent, board, or the cost of owning a home.
- the number of Housing Support Product recipients. This consists of a range of products designed to assist people to achieve or sustain accommodation in the private housing.
- the number of Temporary Additional Support recipients. A non-taxable supplementary assistance that is paid to help clients with their regular essential living costs that cannot be met from their usual income and other resources.
- the total number of Emergency Housing Special Needs Grants approved by MSD. These are available to people who cannot remain in their usual place of residence, if any, and will not have access to other accommodation which is adequate for their or their family’s needs.
- the number of distinct clients. This means that an Emergency Housing Special Needs Grant client is counted only once in a time period, regardless of how many grants they have received.
Housing First
Housing First offers people immediate access to housing and then wraps around tailored support for as long as needed, to help people remain housed, and address the issues that led to their homelessness.
Housing First information shows:
- the number of households accepted in the programme
- the number of households housed by the programme.
Sustaining tenancies
Sustaining Tenancies provides funding for community-based providers to support households who are in public or private housing and need help to sustain their tenancy.
Sustaining Tenancies information shows the number of participants in the programme.
Find out more about Sustaining Tenancies(external link)
For more information, please contact