Te MAIHI Whare Wananga ki Te Tairāwhiti considers new and innovative approaches to our housing challenges

Published 02 Dec 22
The fourth Te MAIHI Whare Wananga is underway today in Turanga – Gisborne.
Yesterday, participants spent the morning touring the recently opened Built Smart Facility, Te Muriwai housing development and the Turanga Tangata Rite Wellness Centre. There were three buses, each with a dedicated facilitator who were able to share historical narratives of the area and the significance of each of the sites. This was a chance for people to connect with the challenges that the rohe has felt and for iwi to see the solutions and innovations in place.
The afternoon was focussed on the theme of this Te MAIHI Whare Wananga, ‘Maui Nukurau Tangata – Innovation in Iwi Housing’.
The theme was taken from the name given to Maui for his ability to find new and extraordinary approaches to the tasks and challenges he faced. An afternoon wananga focussed on Innovation in Housing – Identifying Game Changer and saw space provided for all attendees to share what they are doing to rise to the challenges of their regions.
Today’s events include addresses from Minister Peeni Henare, Minister Marama Davidson and our own Chief Executive Andrew Crisp.
Today also saw;
- The launch of Te MAIHI Ka Ora, Ka Marama, the Māori Housing Dashboard
- The announcement of $24.7 million invested in kaupapa Maori response to homelessness – He Ara Hiki Mauri
- The delivery of the te reo Māori version of the MAIHI Ka Ora strategy
- The launch of the National Māori Housing leadership programme – Mana Kāinga.