Homelessness Outreach Services
Homelessness Outreach Services aim to bridge the gap between people who are at immediate risk of, or experiencing, homelessness and other existing services.
About the Homelessness Outreach Services
Homelessness Outreach Services prioritise those who are experiencing homelessness and are not engaged with other existing services available to them.
Outreach workers are expected to actively seek out and engage with individuals and whānau experiencing homelessness to build long-term, trusting relationships that enrich the dignity and wellbeing of people. People will be supported in achieving:
being able to choose and access an ecosystem of care that will meet their immediate and longer-term housing and wellbeing aspirations.
of mana and tapu and an enhancement of te mauri o te whānau.
reconnecting with their whānau and whenua, where appropriate.
The vision:
To build an ecosystem of care that provides support and enriches the dignity and wellbeing of people through meaningful and ethical engagement, which enables self-determination and trusted relationships.
Nine providers have been contracted for three years by HUD to facilitate Outreach Services. All have previous experience supporting people to exit homelessness and delivering people-centred services that are culturally responsive to Māori and Pacific peoples.
The providers are:
155 Whare Āwhina, Whangārei
A kaupapa Māori provider of wraparound support services for whānau in Te Tai Tokerau. Taking care of people is at the heart of their mahi, genuinely and authentically supporting whānau on their housing journeys. Originating in 1993, they started as ‘One Double Five Community House’ initiated by Community in collaboration with St John’s Uniting Church offering basic skills training, legal advice and community programs. They have since grown, initiating a number of community programmes and projects that now stand alone.
Auckland City Mission, Auckland
For over a century, Auckland City Mission (ACM) has been an unwavering pillar of support for Aucklanders grappling with a diverse range of challenges, from homelessness and addiction to mental health issues and food insecurity. Their mission encompasses providing help during short-term crises as well as offering sustained, long-term help - all made possible through the collective efforts of Aucklanders who make ACM's mission a reality.
Kāhui Tū Kaha, Auckland
Kāhui Tū Kaha is a Ngāti Whātua organisation providing a comprehensive range of health, housing, and social services. Their name, "Kāhui Tū Kaha," embodies their collaborative approach, where many hands work together to empower those in their care, enabling them to "stand tall" and achieve wellness and self-determination.
Lifewise, Auckland
Since the 1850s, Lifewise has had a deep commitment to addressing social issues in Auckland, evolving its approach to focus on long-term solutions. Lifewise actively engages in collaborative initiatives with other organisations and communities, tackling the underlying causes of social problems and emphasising interdependence over independence. Notably, Lifewise's Housing Services ensure that everyone has access to secure and permanent housing, aligning with their mission to empower individuals and families to create lasting positive transformations in their lives.
Link People, Auckland
LinkPeople is a community housing provider with a focus on supporting people experiencing mental health and addiction challenges. They provide services to support people access housing, sustain their tenancy, or navigate services that can assist with this. LinkPeople was formed in 2016 after the merger of Keys Social Housing and Linkage. Their vision is a New Zealand where everyone has equitable access to a healthy home, as the foundation for wellbeing.
Ngāti Toa, Wellington
Established in 1990, Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira serves as the authorised iwi authority for Ngāti Toa Rangatira, diligently overseeing iwi estates and assets. Their comprehensive role includes managing political and public interests, from Tiriti claims to fisheries and healthcare, while also representing commercial interests. With a steadfast commitment to fostering a strong, culturally rooted Ngāti Toa, they empower whānau and exercise rangatiratanga. Collaborating with TOA - Te Roopu Āwhina Social Services, they extend vital social support throughout Porirua, prioritizing the wellbeing of individuals and whānau.
Tākiri Mai te Ata, Lower Hutt
Tākiri Mai is a collective of eight whānau ora, health, education, justice and social service providers based in the Hutt Valley that have been working together for over 45 years. In 2010, Tākiri Mai te Ata Whānau Ora Collective was launched as an innovative whānau-centred approach to supporting whānau wellbeing and development. It places whānau at the centre and empowers them to lead the development of solutions for their own transformation. The Tākiri Mai organisations have been responsible for the development of a number of services and programmes servicing the wider Wellington region.
The People’s Project, Hamilton
The People's Project (TPP) is driven by the belief that everyone deserves a place to call home and the opportunity to live their best life. They adhere to the Housing First approach, prioritising stable housing as the initial step in addressing homelessness and then providing essential support services to help individuals maintain their tenancy and live independently within their community. TPP's diverse team of experts is making a significant impact in the battle against homelessness, striving for a future where homelessness is rare, brief, non-recurring, and never a way of life for anyone.
Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga | Building Hope Together, Auckland
Visionwest focuses on journeying alongside whānau through whatever challenges they may be facing and bringing them to a place of transformation. Guided by a kaupapa Māori framework called “Pou Whakakitenga,” their services aim to alleviate poverty, isolation, homelessness, and unemployment. Established in 1982, as a drop-in centre in a repurposed railway station, the Trust has grown into a comprehensive support network providing wraparound support to approximately 60,000 whānau every year.
Visit the Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga | Building Hope Together website(external link)